But when shall we be stronger?

220px-Patrick_Henry_Rothermel“They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.” – Patrick Henry.

Ladies & Gentlemen, the time has come to stop talking, posting and lallygagging on Facebook and other assorted media.  We are getting nowhere, and no significant number of our so-called “representatives” are listening to us.

abc_nbc_cbsThe main-stream news media marginalizes us, in order to drown out our voices.  They manipulate the news, and determine what the “agenda” shall be by the stories they carry — they claim that they are driven by “ratings”, and simply show what their adoring public wishes to see.  In reality, they carefully craft the mosaic of stories they carry in order to manipulate the opinions of viewers so that those opinions conform to the will of the political demons the media serve — their masters.

The “Leader of the Free World”, the President of the United States, is not a citizen of our nation.  Ample proof of that has been shown, but the main-stream news media has failed to carry that multitude of stories which show how and why this usurper became President through the use of fraud, crime, deceit, bribery and murder — and has maintained his stranglehold on our nation through the use of those same tactics.  When a man cannot uphold the law of the land in his bid to obtain that office, there is no hope that he will suddenly change his ways and become a law-abiding person once he is in office.

US_Congress_02Our political “representatives” are just as bad, if not worse.  With very few exceptions, Senators and Representatives accept bribe after bribe, and cannot honor their promises under any circumstances.  The first year of any politician’s service is often the last time they utter an honest word or actually do the People’s work throughout their entire career; once they “learn the ropes”, they no longer work for any purpose other than that of lining their own pockets and maneuvering for further financial gain.

supreme_court_buildingThe one branch of the great government established by our Fore-fathers that is charged with the wisdom of our nation, the Judicial Branch or Supreme Court, has gone from being the supreme arbiter of the Constitution — ensuring that all legislation enacted by Congress conformed to that great blueprint of Liberty — to being the “Great Rubber Stamp”.  The Supreme Court is now nothing more than an accomplice in the theft of Liberty — these elite crooked lawyers and scoundrels do nothing more than figure out how that great document can be “interpreted” so as to allow the scoundrels of the Legislative Branch to enact any legislation they see fit which has the net effect of driving the nation into deeper and deeper poverty, further oppressing the People whom gave life to this once great and noble social experiment, and entrenching themselves even further into the certainty that the People can no longer drive them from their lairs in the halls of Congress.

Scene_at_the_Signing_of_the_Constitution_of_the_United_StatesOur Founding Fathers would no longer recognize the government they created — it has so altered itself that it is simply too late.  There is no longer any hope of being able to seek redress for the innumerable injuries that the criminals, frauds, usurpers and snake-oil merchants who inhabit the “District of Colombia” have inflicted upon the People of America; these appeals fall upon completely deaf ears — ears which hear nothing unless it rustles like currency or jingles like peices of silver and gold.  They care nothing for the well being of their constituency, the very men and women who sent them to the Capitol to do battle for them in the arena of Liberty — they care only for their own physical, financial and political well being.  So long as they enrich themselves, they are happy and satisfied with themselves.

jesus-money-changers-templeIt is long past time for America to rise up as one voice, as one clenched fist, and drive the money-changers from the temple of Liberty just as Christ drove the money-changers from the temple of God.
When, America… when are the Patriots finally going to take back this nation and re-institute Liberty??

As Patrick Henry said… the time is NOW, while we still have the means to do what must be done.  The only thing uncertain is our resolve…

My resolve is firm… how is yours?

Lets do this!!

One thought on “But when shall we be stronger?

  1. Matt says:

    Again, I couldn’t agree more!

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